Facilities / services

Vicenza Hospital (Porta San Bortolo entrance)

Vicenza Hospital (Via Rodolfi entrance)

Carabinieri CoESPU Training Center

Nearest bus stop

Nearest pizzeria restaurant

Railway station

City center (Piazza dei Signori)

Vicenza Fair Center

Church, pharmacy, grocery, tobacconist, bakery, dairy, supermarket, bank (ATM)


2 minutes walk

2 minutes by car

2 minutes walk

2 minutes walk

2 minute walk (150 m)

5 minutes by car / 10 minutes (line 2) by bus

15 minute walk / 10 minute bus 5 minute walk

15 minutes by car / 30 minutes by public transport

all services are located near the structure and can be easily reached on foot in a few minutes

How to get

If you arrive by car: coming by car from Milan or Venice we recommend exiting at Vicenza Ovest. At the roundabout take the second exit and then keep left to proceed onto Viale degli Scaligeri, continue straight until the new roundabout (Auchan Shopping Center on the right) and then take the second exit onto Viale del Sole, at the traffic lights proceed straight, at the roundabout of Viale del Sole take the third exit onto Viale A. Diaz, at the roundabout take the second exit, at the traffic lights turn right onto Via A. Lamarmora, at the traffic lights continue straight, turn left onto via G. Pepe and finally turn onto left on Via Martiri di Belfiore. Casa Belfiore is located about halfway, on the left at number 23;

Distances from services

    Vicenza Hospital (Porta San Bortolo entrance): 200 meters Vicenza Hospital (Via Rodolfi entrance): 600 meters Carabinieri CoESPU Training Center: 200 meters Nearest bus stop: 10 meters Nearest pizzeria restaurant: 200 meters Train station: 3 km by car City center (Piazza dei Signori): 1500 meters Vicenza Fair Center: 7 km by car Church, pharmacy, grocery, tobacconist, bakery, dairy, supermarket, bank (ATM): within a radius of approximately 300 meters

Distances from services

    Vicenza Hospital (Porta San Bortolo entrance): 400 meters Vicenza Hospital (Via Rodolfi entrance): 800 meters Carabinieri CoESPU Training Center: 350 meters Nearest bus stop: 200 meters Nearest pizzeria restaurant: 150 meters Train station: 3 km by car City center (Piazza dei Signori): 1500 meters Vicenza Fair Center: 7 km by car Church, pharmacy, grocery, tobacconist, bakery, dairy, supermarket, bank (ATM): within a radius of approximately 600 meters

Distances from services

    Vicenza Hospital (Porta San Bortolo entrance): 200 meters Vicenza Hospital (Via Rodolfi entrance): 600 meters Carabinieri CoESPU Training Center: 200 meters Nearest bus stop: 10 meters Nearest pizzeria restaurant: 200 meters Train station: 3 km by car City center (Piazza dei Signori): 1500 meters Vicenza Fair Center: 7 km by car Church, pharmacy, grocery, tobacconist, bakery, dairy, supermarket, bank (ATM): within a radius of approximately 300 meters

All facilities are also convenient for easily reaching the following facilities and services on foot or by public transport (private or public):

Monuments: Piazza dei Signori, Palazzo Chiericati (Pinacoteca), Teatro Olimpico, Sanctuary of Monte Berico;

Useful services: medical clinic, post office, police, emergency room, taxi (with number), petrol station;

Entertainment in the surrounding area: municipal swimming pools, gym, sports field, public parks (Parco Querini), Teatro Nuovo di Vicenza;

Free audio guide of the City of Vicenza:

Dear Guests,
Casa Belfiore Vicenza offers, in collaboration with the company Vocami Srl, a totally free audio guide of the City of Vicenza and its Monuments.
You can directly access the guide and other useful information for your stay in the city from here: Audio Guide Vicenza

Or you can also access by opening the link from the QR code below.
If you don't have a QR code reader you can easily download it from the AppStore (for iPhone) or from the Play Store (Android)

The guide will automatically play in the language set in your smartphone / tablet

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